Blue Moon Magic
Blue Moon Magic
Dawn Thompson, Deborah MacGillivray, Leanne Burroughs et al
Highland Press
Copyright ©2006 by Highland Press
First published in 2006, 2006
Highland Press’ Premier Book.
Join the authors in the fight against breast cancer!
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The lucky reader of NO LAW AGAINST LOVEbis hereby sentenced to laugh-out-loud hours of enjoyment!
Couldn’t be better.
—Bestselling Author, Maggie Davis
Funny, sensual and delightful … all in the name of charity. Take 16 very talented authors; mix in some of the most arcane and ridiculous laws that ever existed (some still on the books today), mix them all up, and you are in for an unbelievably rollicking good time! Yet, the best and most important thing to remember is that these wonderful ladies are doing this all in the name of charity. All proceeds will be donated to breast cancer research and treatment.
—Marilyn Rondeau, The Best Reviews
If you have ever found yourself rolling your eyes at some of the more stupid laws, then you are going to adore this novel. A stellar anthology that had me laughing, sighing in pleasure, believing in magic, and left me begging for more! Will there be a second anthology someday? I sure hope so! This is one novel that will go directly to my ‘Keeper’ shelf, to be read over and over again.
Very highly recommended!
—Detra Fitch, Huntress Reviews
You might forget Highland Press is donating all of the proceeds from NO LAW AGAINST LOVE to breast cancer research, but you will never forget the brilliant characters that come to life under the passionate pens of 16 romance authors. While reading this anthology, prepare to break out in a sweat, bust out laughing and break all of the molds as far as romantic short stories are concerned.
—Aysel Arwen, Author of ‘Romancing the Stars’
This brilliant anthology has the unique ability to make you feel good. Firstly, the reader feels pleased that just by buying the book she is doing good, as all profits go to breast cancer research. Secondly, and more importantly, the reader is given a thoroughly diverse group of short stories to enjoy, all written by some talented authors!
You will laugh, smile and nod your head in complete understanding as a whole bunch of true-to-life characters take you on some very crazy, but always entertaining journeys!
Everyone should have a copy of this book!
Anne Whitfield, Author of ‘With Regards, Anne’
Romance lovers the world over can rejoice in this fantastic volume of short stories. Based on obscure and little known laws, each tale centers around one of the laws. It’s a fascinating concept for an anthology and one guaranteed to spark imaginative scenarios! From Scottish mountain cats in eye patches to travel agent fairies and shady angels, this volume runs the gamut of romance reading fun. Whatever your romance style, it’s all here waiting for you. Get a copy today and curl up on the couch with it. Read it at the gym or enjoy it on a sunny day at the park-however you like to read, just get it and prepare to enjoy!
Kenda Montgomery
Blue Moon Magic
Highland Press
High Springs, Florida 32655
Blue Moon Magic
Copyright ©2006 Leanne Burroughs
Cover illustration copyright © 2006
Printed and bound in the United States of America. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system-except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the Web-without permission in writing from the publisher.
For information, please contact Highland Press,
PO Box 2292, High Springs, FL 32655.
All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names, save actual historical figures. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.
ISBN: 0-9746249-4-2
A Wee Dram Book
This book is dedicated to Monika Wolmerans and Patty Howell for their endless editing. We couldn’t have done this without their help.
Grateful thanks to our editors, Patty Howell, Diane Davis White, Cheryl Alldredge and Kemberlee Shortland and to our proofreader, Monika Wolmerans.
Once again, a special thank you to my co-publisher, DeborahAnne MacGillivray, for all her support and the beautiful book covers she creates. Not only is she an exceptional author, her talent as a cover artist—everything artist—is something we’re extremely proud of and thankful for.
Our Authors
Kristi Ahlers
Aysel Arwen
Leanne Burroughs
Billie Warren Chai
Keelia Greer
Meagan Hatfield
Erin E.M. Hatton
Kimberly Ivey
Jaquelin Lorin
Deborah MacGillivray
Lee Roland
M.J. Sager
Katherine Smith
Dawn Thompson
Diane Davis White
“Belle of the Blue Moon Ball” by Dawn Thompson opens the anthology with a delightful tale of how the King of the Faeries, Oberon, and Puck unite Lady Arabella Gilmartin with the Earl of Everton, Nigel. Puck and Oberon’s exploits are priceless and readers will relish their antics in this historical story as Puck manages to enchant the bowl of claret, with all the party members drinking it except the two they are aiming for!
Erin E.M. Hatton’s “Where the Sea Meets the Skye” is a haunting contemporary tale of a woman searching for her dream. After her job prospects as a marine biologist fail, Celine Terreau travels to Scotland where she encounters the mysterious Ronan Morrison who has a “sea-cret” of his own! Ms. Hatton does a spectacular job at drawing the reader into the emotions of the characters and creating an aura of mystery.
“Angels in the Moonlight” by Diane Davis White focuses on the humorous antics of angels Pricilla and Sadie the Shady Angel, as they unite vocalist Olivia Langston and horn player Nathan Bridges. Pricilla and Sadie steal the show as their light-hearted bickering will keep readers laughing.
“Under the Pale Moonlight” by Katherine Smith is the sweet story of Lady Alicia McCray and Arthur Cameron. Arthur believes himself unfit for Alicia due to a disability that keeps him from dancing. Ms. Smith uses great sensitivity in addressing Arthur’s disability and weaves an endearing tale that will warm readers’ hearts.
“Ember’s Desire” by Meagan Hatfield is the story of hopeless witch Ember Galenorn who casts a spell for love and rescues Balder, the son of Odin. Balder has been entrapped in the underworld and now he and Ember must defeat Loki to fulfill their destiny. This magical tale has all the passion and drama of an excellent fantasy.
Aysel Arwen’s “Spellbound” is the sensual tale of Emma MacPherson and Alexander Grant. Emma is lonely and searching for her mother’s wedding ring when she encounters and ultimately rescues the bespelled Highlander from the Lady of the Loch. Ms. Arwen has written one of the best opening lines ever to a story
and the reader will be immediately “Spellbound” by this enchanting story.
M.J. Saeger’s “Enchantment By the Sea” is the deeply emotional tale of journalist Clara Barnes and resort owner Grayson Everett. Clara is investigating Gray’s resort but will a foolish comment from her boss and Gray’s college friend, Benny, ruin their chance for love? Readers will empathize with Clara’s dilemma and feel her anger at Benny in a gut-wrenching story of second chances.
“Suddenly You” by Jaquelin Lorin is a fantastic time-travel in which art restorer Celine Chauvin is catapulted back to the 1870s where she meets her Mr. Gorgeous from the painting, Rhys Butler. Ms. Lorin does a fabulous job at capturing the historical flavor of the 1870s as well as Celine’s reaction to her experience. The red dress is an excellent touch and demonstrates the author’s attention to detail.
Lee Roland’s “Blue Moon and the Warrior” is the endearing tale of teacher Allison McClure and Richard Fallon who meet in a dreamy world as Cailin and Cahir. Allison is an admirable figure as she chases her dream of love while sacrificing in her career.
“Midsummer Magic” by Kristi Ahlers shows the full power of BLUE MOON MAGIC as Meredith is rescued from a marriage to the abusive Lord Langdon by Laird Kieran Fraser. Readers will appreciate Meredith’s reticence due to her kidnapping by Kieran while cheering Kieran’s efforts to woo her.
Billie Warren Chai’s “Secret of the Blue Moon” is a heart-wrenching story of second chances for Dr. Zoey Blackstone and Jake Runningbear. Prejudices separated them when they were younger but now Blue Moon Magic will bring them back together. This fascinating tale of love overcoming prejudices is both gut-wrenching and instructional as the reader is thrilled with Zoey for overcoming such hardships, including her horrific treatment at the hands of ignorance.
Kimberly Ivey’s “The Darkness and the Dreams” focuses on Paloma Delatorre’s dedication to volunteering at a local hospital after the tragic death of her fiancé, Robert. She initially suspects her neighbor, Grandma Bikini, has finally lost her mind when she tells Paloma that Robert’s soul is now in the body of comatose patient, David Hopkins. What ensues is an inspiring tale of how love can transcend all barriers, including death. Grandma Bikini is truly a hoot as well and will leave readers hoping for another glimpse of her!
“The Healer” by Leanne Burroughs is a vivid historical tale revolving around an auld healer, Agnes, who is reluctantly dragged to the Drummond castle to tend to the laird’s English captive, Tory, who has been poisoned. In the process, an attraction develops between Agnes and Warrick, the laird’s warrior. This riveting story is a fascinating portrait that demonstrates that love can flourish at any age in any time.
Keelia Greer’s “In the Space of a Heartbeat” is a futuristic vampire story of soulmates Melania Knight and Trevor Kerrin. Melania is an agent sent to protect Trevor as his work is invaluable to the galaxy and must be allowed to continue. The action is fast paced and readers will want to read more about Melania as she is not like other vampires!
The anthology concludes with Deborah MacGillivray’s mesmerizing tale, “The Rider in the Storm”. Ciera MacIain has grieved for 7 years over the death of her fiancé, Derek. At the exact spot of his death and on the anniversary of the fatal accident, she meets Roarke Devlin who knows things only Derek would know. This haunting tale will send shivers down your spine and leave tears in your eyes as Ms. MacGillivray breathes life into the characters.
Table of Contents
Belle of the Blue Moon Ball….
Dawn Thompson
Where the Sea Meets Skye….
Erin E.M. Hatton
Angels in the Moonlight….
Diane Davis White
Under the Pale Moonlight …
Katherine Smith
Ember’s Desire….
Meagan Hatfield
Aysel Arwen
Enchantment by the Sea….
M. J. Sager
Suddenly You….
Jaquelin Lorin
Blue Moon and the Warrior….
Lee Roland
Midsummer Magic….
Kristi Ahlers
Secret of the Blue Moon….
Billie Warren Chai
The Darkness and the Dreams..
Kimberly Ivey
The Healer….
Leanne Burroughs
In the Space of a Heartbeat …
Keelia Greer
Rider in the Storm….
Deborah MacGillivray
Belle of the Blue Moon Ball
by Dawn Thompson
Lady Arabella Gilmartin leaned over the balcony railing in her second floor bedchamber suite at Raintree Manor. Below, carriages overflowed the mews. High and low-perch phaetons, curricles, landaus, all manner of conveyances rattled over the cobblestones, bringing guests to the Blue Moon Ball, the first event in a gala three-day house party.
The Dowager Lady Raintree hosted the ball every year at her Mayfair townhouse to launch the Little Season when the magical blue moon, the second full moon in the space of a month, was reputed to make wishes come true. All this was very romantic, but thus far not so for Arabella. This was to be her third Blue Moon Ball with no takers, at least none that she could conscience spending the rest of her life with. At nineteen, this would be her last chance. The regular Season hadn’t yielded any takers. If this failed, there would be nothing for it; once she passed twenty, she would have to put on her caps.
Overhead, the full moon hung like a magic lantern in the star-studded vault. Which way … left shoulder, right shoulder? No, that was for wishing on the new moon. Arabella shut her eyes, spread her arms wide like the wings she wished they were and leaned precariously over the edge of the ornamental ironwork railing to compose her wish.
“Bella!” a shrill voice bleated from behind. “Get back from there, you’ll fall!”
Arabella’s posture clenched. Her widespread wings became arms again, the wind of their motion knocking a flowerpot off the ledge as she carved wide circles in the air to keep her balance. Firm hands seized her about the waist. It was her chaperon, Lady Mary Whalen, the watchdog her father had hired to monitor her every move. How anyone could expect her to find a husband with such a relentless creature glued to her side was beyond imagining. It was going to take a fête of magic. And now she’d missed the perfect private moment to make her wish on the blue moon; it wasn’t likely she would get another.
* * * *
Nigel Reardon, Earl of Everton, climbed out of his brougham, Henry, his valet at his heels. The Blue Moon Ball was the last place he wanted to be. Just back from the Peninsula, he would have much preferred a turn at the gaming tables at Whites—piquet, perhaps, or whist—anything but dodging come-lately hopefuls whose misfortunes during the regular Season had made the Little Season mandatory.
Heaving a sigh, he doffed his beaver hat and finger-combed his hair. Tucking his walking stick under the arm of his black superfine tailcoat, he tugged on his gloves, and dismissed his driver, while Henry took charge of his portmanteau. There was nothing for it. Aunt Prudence would know if he shirked his duty, as she put it. He would rather face the whole of Napoleon’s army than Prudence, Lady Everton, on a tear.
Stepping out of the way of a gig with garish yellow wheel spokes tooling into the mews, Nigel ranged himself closer to the façade. Better that than being run down by a half-foxed Corinthian. Henry had disappeared through the servant’s entrance to prepare his master’s suite. Glancing after him, motion above caught Nigel’s eye and he looked up to see what appeared to be a young lovely attempting to take flight from her balcony. She was golden fair, wearing a muslin ball gown of robin’s-egg blue, which he just knew matched the color of her eyes, though he could not see them.
She hadn’t seen him. That was fortunate. She would have been embarrassed, flailing about like that. What could the silly goose be doing? Wishing on the blue moon, he had no doubt. Perhaps he should do so as well. It would be nice to take a wife
and settle down, never having to put himself through such paces again. Why, attending affairs such as this was worse than appraising cattle on the block at Tattersall’s.
Yes, he was long overdue. Contemplating that, he didn’t see the missile hurtling toward him from the ledge above until the flowerpot crowned him. Nasturtiums, soil and shards of broken crockery rained over him—over the immaculate white neckcloth Henry had tied so well, over the brocade waistcoat and superfine tailcoat. His knees buckled. Pinpoints of blinding light swallowed the moon he was about to wish upon. Then the light was gone altogether—snuffed out like a candle flame—and he spiraled into deep darkness.
* * * *
“Now you’ve gone and done it,” Oberon said standing over Nigel, crumpled on the cobblestones. No one could see or hear Oberon or his strange companion. “Is there no finesse in you, Puck? Must you always blunder about like a rampant bull in a glass house?”
“Who, me?” the goat-like, nature spirit squeaked. “I was only trying to make him look up. It was the perfect moment for their eyes to meet—for their hearts to flutter.” He gestured absurdly. “These things aren’t easy, you know, Oberon, and time is of the essence. ‘The poor girl cannot stand another Season with no takers else she put on biggins’ you said. You were the one who called me here for drastic measures.”
The king of the faeries pulled a face. “Yes, but I didn’t want you to kill him! You aren’t blundering about in the forest here now. These silly mortal folk are civilized.”
“Pish-posh! He is not dead … see? He stirs,” Puck said, plucking a nasturtium from Nigel’s hair. To all humans gathered there, it was as though the gentle zephyr that had risen whisked the blossom away.